Friday, December 6, 2013

Upcycle an Old Trunk

This is probably my favorite thing I have ever made. I would have taken more pictures if I had thought about putting it online!

What you need:
-An old trunk/chest, I found mine at Goodwill.
-Mr. Clean magic eraser
-textured/paintable wallpaper
-spray adhesive
-any paint of your choice, I used a latex semi-gloss interior paint but spray paint would much quicker 
-sponge paint brushes (unless using spray paint)
-Xacto knife or razor
-painters tape

Here is the trunk I started with --->

Clean up your trunk
-the trunk I bought had been painted several times and had paint spots and smears on the metal hardware. I used a Mr. Clean magic eraser to get this off. It's also a good idea to get any dust or dirt off the trunk so that your adhesive will stick.

Cut your wallpaper
-Cut pieces of wallpaper to slightly larger a than each section of your trunk. You should have a total of 9 pieces (4 sides of the base, 4 sides of the lid, and 1 for the top). I try to cut my pieces so the pattern appears symmetrical; if your pattern is abstract this doesn't matter.
-Turn whatever side you are working on up. Center your paper on the trunk and use the Xacto knife (or razor blade) to trim the edges for a more exact fit. Most trunks have slightly raised edging on the corners making this part easier. Do this for all 9 pieces.

Glue down the paper
-Next glue the pieces down. Spray adhesive takes a a few minutes to take hold and this allows you to fix any positioning problems
-Allow the glue to dry as long as stated on the bottle
-Touch up any edges that have come unglued, if any

Time to paint
-If you want to keep your hardware silver (or gold or bronze whatever it happens to be) you will want to tape them up with painters tape before painting. You can also just paint over them.
-If your wall paper has a lot of texture you will want to put on the paint somewhat thick to get into all the grooves, it may also take more than one coat of paint.
-Once paint is dry, remove painters tape and you're done! Use it for throw pillows or extra blankets, or have a piece of glass cut for it and use it as a coffee table!

Andddd..... TA-DA! Your finished product is even better than something you would find at a store :)

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